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Notifications Platform Service

Cloudize Notifications Service

Reliable email sending is a fundamental requirement of every cloud platform we've worked on, yet delivering this capability in a reliable and fault-tolerant manner introduces considerable complexity that detracts from a service's core purpose.

Using a specialist upstream Email Service Provider (ESP) is orders of magnitude better than trying to run your own email service reliably, but what happens when your ESP experiences a critical failure or outage of some sort? What effort would be required to refactor that dependency to utilise an alternate service? For many, this would be an enormous blow not only in terms of development effort but also in terms of losing access to the historical transaction logs.

Over time, and in working with clients, it became clear that an abstraction of the functionality provided by ESPs would significantly improve this experience for customers, and that is precisely what we built.

By abstracting this complexity behind a simple and easy-to-use API, the Cloudize Notifications Service allows its consumers to focus on the core capabilities that differentiate their offerings in the marketplace and leave the complexity of this capability to us.

This service is available to customers as a Cloud Service or, in the case of our enterprise customers, can be deliverable on-prem.

API Documentation