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Our API Technologies

We ❤️ building beautiful APIs.

Have you ever thought about the DNA of truly great cloud platforms?

We have. In fact, this is all we think about almost all day, every day.

Simply put, beautiful APIs are secure, resilient, scalable, incredibly fast, feature-rich, flexible, and delightful to use. That's an enormous list of complex capabilities and explains why API development is typically a long and costly process.

Cloudize was founded with the express purpose of solving this single problem.

Our technology delivers all of these complex capabilities within a powerful API Framework, and we can do so in near real-time using our Tesseract API designing technology.

Can you imagine what that would mean for your innovation?

Being in a position to produce world-class APIs in near real-time is a total game changer. Every API produced by Tesseract is world-class. The core attributes of security, resistance, scalability, performance, and feature depth are baked into the heart of every API we produce, which means that when we work with clients, we can focus our collective attention on solving the business problem at hand and not spend weeks or months building what is essentially table stakes.

Typically, our turnaround time is about a day. In other words, what we design today would usually be available for customer review by tomorrow. This means that the cost of failure is literally driven through the floor, and our clients find themselves in a position where they can be more creative and expansive and are freer to engage in experimentation, which leads to disruption.

In addition, every API Tesseract produces is inherently of a fundamentally high standard. Our API Framework has been carefully crafted to be of the highest quality and has been in production for several years. That foundational starting point, as well as the fact that the Tesseract designer enforces API design best practices, ensures that every API, even those produced during early iterations, is of extreme quality and adheres to best practices.

Database optimization is another thing that Tesseract automatically does. The design technology automatically determines how an API's consumers can access resources within the API and automatically indexes the database accordingly.

There are, however, additional benefits for our clients.

Not least of these is what you could do with the money that you don't pay us. By choosing Cloudize and optimising the development of your backend technologies, by using ours, clients have more capacity to expand their investment in their frontend technologies. This benefit cannot be overstated for startup phase organisations or projects. Higher quality front-end experiences result in higher adoption and retention rates, and adoption and retention deliver product-market fit.

Cloudize is a leader in API design and development. By leveraging our skills and technologies, you can radically accelerate your next innovation.

Are you ready to find out more?

Book your FREE Cloudize API Technology Introduction now