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Our Services

Our services

Enabling innovation at the speed of thought 🚀

When we started to imagine a world where customers could innovate at the speed of thought, it became abundantly clear to us that this reality could only be achieved by combining two specific capabilities — we needed to deliver world-class API technologies and we needed to assist customers through their API design and development journey with specialist know-how and experience.

Our technology and platform services pages speak to those capabilities, so we won't repeat those here. That said, the technology in and of itself is really just the conduit through which your innovation is delivered to your customers. Put another way, it delivers the innovation as opposed to creating it.

Innovation itself is the other leg — it's a very human thing — it's creative, experiential, and it's where art meets science.

Engineers have been innovating for centuries by combining these two capabilities in their respective fields. In today's world, however, speed matters. If you innovate too slowly, your cost of innovation potentially exceeds its value, or worse, you get left behind by competitors who are able to innovate faster than you and who, therefore, secure market dominance before you can gain traction in the market.

Cloudize delivers the ability to innovate at the speed of thought through what we call Innovation Workshops. Typically, these are delivered virtually, over one or potentially two weeks, depending on the scale of the project. Mornings involve reviews of the progress - through the demonstration of working software and documentation - followed by design sessions. Afternoons are committed to implementing the morning's design discussions in preparation for the demonstration the following day.

In essence, we run one-day sprints throughout the process.

In addition to Innovation Workshops, where required, we also offer custom API & Platform Development. That said, we should point out that for most applications with limited custom business functionality, or where our standardised Platform Services can be leveraged to deliver the required functionality, there is little to no need for additional development. However, there will always be cases where there is a heavy dependence on complex business logic that cannot be fully covered within the Innovation Workshop process. In those cases, we handle this development outside and subsequent to the Innovation Workshop process.

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